Infection Prevention and Control Level 1_mip

The risk of infection within a healthcare setting poses a significant risk to patients, carers and staff. Without effective infection prevention and control approaches, infection can cause distress, harm, and impair the quality of life and healthcare experiences. Therefore, prevention of infection has to be a key priority for all staff groups working within a healthcare setting.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Infection Control Level 1
Course Content
- know how individuals can contribute to infection prevention and control
- have knowledge of and demonstrate the standard infection prevention and control precautions relevant to their role which may include:
- Hand Hygiene
- Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Management of Blood and Body Fluid Spillage
- Management of Occupational Exposure (including sharps)
- Management of the Environment
- Management of Care Equipment.
- recognise and act when their personal fitness to work may pose a risk of infection to others.