Duty of Candour

The Duty of Candour is a statutory (legal) duty to be open and honest with patients (or ‘service users’), or their families, when something goes wrong that appears to have caused or could lead to significant harm in the future. It applies to all health and social care organisations registered with the regulator, the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in England.
By completing/passing this course, you will attain the certificate Duty of Candour
Course Content
- understand the background to a Duty of Candour
- know how to define a Duty of Candour and understand what it means
- understand the importance of Duty of Candour and how it helps in maintaining open and honest relationships with their clients/patients
- understand the legal implications of a Duty of Candour for both the patients and staff
- know how to differentiate between actual incidents and near-misses
- understand the statutory regulations and requirements under a Duty of Candour
- know how to discuss the principles of apologising to patients and relate it to their area of practice
- understand the Ten Principles of Being Open
- understand the expectations of what staff should do in the event of an incident that has a direct effect on the patient/client
- understand the importance of reporting adverse incidents and near-misses