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Employers are bound by the Health and Safety (First Aid) Regulations 1981 to provide adequate and appropriate first aid provisions. It’s mandatory for each workplace to have a sufficient number of first aiders to handle emergency situations. Should an incident occur, employers need to ensure that there is an appointed person to manage first aid arrangements. The appointed first aiders must hold valid certifications, which remain valid for three years.

The level of training required will depend upon the risks associated with the business. Additional training may be required where specific risks have been identified or where additional equipment has been provided such as defibrillators. 

First Aid courses we offer include:

Emergency First Aid at Work (EFAW)The EFAW course will enable a first aider to complete a primary survey, to provide basic resuscitation skills and to be able to call for additional help1 day course. An annual refresher in resuscitation skills is recommended
First Aid at Work (FAW)First aiders are qualified to EFAW level but can also apply first aid to a range of specific injuries and illnesses3 day course. An annual refresher in resuscitation skills is recommended
First Aid at Work (FAW) requalificationRefresh and update the skills and knowledge of individuals who have previously completed a First Aid at Work course2 days
Paediatric First AidFirst aiders are qualified to deal with a range of paediatric first aid situations2 days

Further Information

Please contact us if you would like more information about our courses, or if you would like to discuss your training needs.

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